Valued-Living / Well-Being

Valued-Living & Well-Being Treatment in Fort Collins

Research by Robert Cloninger et al., 2010, highlights the importance of helping clients move toward a life of well-being and character development. Character traits include Self-Directedness, Cooperativeness, and Self-Transcendence, which inspires a person to be engaged in work, love, and service of others. This definition of well-being, complements Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which empowers individuals to accept their current life situations/experiences without judgment or resignation, while helping them to identify what is truly important in their lives, and begin to take committed action steps to move in the direction of Valued-Living. My additional training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy allows me to work compassionately with individuals, helping them to become “unstuck” in their current life situations, and begin to move toward a life of Value and Well-Being.

My Mission

is to educate, promote, and inspire physical, mental, and spiritual health to adolescents and adults struggling with any of the following issues: eating disorders/disordered eating, overweight/obesity, healthy weight maintenance, physical activity, trauma/PTSD/anxiety, valued-living and well-being.